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HomeMobile FixesHow to stop Samsung Galaxy Hanging Problems

How to stop Samsung Galaxy Hanging Problems

Samsung is a very popular smartphone manufacturer and a preferred brand by many people, but this does not deny the fact that Samsung phones come with their own share of disadvantages. “Samsung freeze” and “Samsung S6 frozen” are commonly searched phrases on the web as Samsung smartphones are prone to freezing or getting hang frequently.

Most Samsung phone users are found complaining about frozen phone problem and looking for suitable solutions to fix the issue and prevent it from occurring in the future.

How to stop Samsung Galaxy Hanging Problems

  1. Delete any cleaning apps and antivirus apps also any apps you do not use.
  2. Disable any system apps you do not use a disabled system app takes up less storage and never uses the phone’s resources by running in the background or updating.
  3. Enable developer options and change Window animation scale to 0 do this also for Transition and duration.
  4. Also in developer options scroll lower and limit background processes to two.
  5. Clear the cache from storage.
  6. Restart the phone just before you play a game will often help with lag if the game is demanding on processor power and ram.
  7. When you have had the phone a year do a factory reset making sure you use Samsung cloud for the backup well worth doing and it will be back to better than ever.
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