1. Go the Google AdWords >> Tools >> Keyword Planner. (Or, you can simply access through this link.)
#3. Sign in using a Gmail. If you have used that particular email address previously to create an AdWords account and reached on Billing page instead of Keyword Planner, use another Gmail address or Create a new one.
#4. Now, the most important step ahead. On the welcome screen, don’t fill any of the fields or click on “Continue” button. Instead, click on the “Skip the Guided set-up.” option
#5. On the next page, enter your email address, Country, Time zone and Currency. Remember, once filled and saved, you can’t reverse or change these option in the future.
#6. It’ll take a while to set up a fresh AdWords Account for you where you can access the Keyword Planner tool.
#7. In AdWords dashboard, click on the Tools icon and then Keyword Planner under “Planning” Menu.
#8. Now, you can use Google AdWords Keyword Planner and find the keywords for your blog or websites as well as ad copies.
#9. Remember, Google has recently updated the user interface of GAKP tool and you can now get better user experience. Enter up to 3 keywords or phrases and one URL to get more ideas related to your seed input.
#10. You can also get different metrics including search volume, PPC competition (differs from SEO competition/Keyword Difficulty), CPC range, etc. However, running an ad campaign could get more insights useful for your business.
#11. Old options of targeting including Location, Language, and Search Network are available in the newer version too. So if you are planning to use Google’s KW planner tool, it can prove a magic wand for you