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How to Fix “Too many Redirects” Error in WordPress

How to Fix “Too many Redirects” Error in WordPress

f your WordPress site is not loading, and you see an error stating that your domain has “Redirected you too many times” or is trying to complete “Too Many Redirects”, you are caught in a redirect loop. Below, we’re going to talk about how this might have happened and ways to fix it.

Deleting Browser Data

Browser data can sometimes store corrupted or outdated cookies and cache, which may cause the err_too_many_redirects errorSo, before making changes to your site, it’s wise to check if it’s not just your browser causing the error by deleting its data history.

To do that, follow these simple steps:

On Chrome, simply go to the three small dots on the upper right menu bar of the brow, press Settings. Scroll down and click on Advanced, then Clear Browsing Data.

On Mozilla, head to the upper right menu button, select Options. Choose Privacy and Security, then Clear Data.

HTTPS Redirection

If you’ve installed an SSL on your site, you can only use it correctly by redirecting your site traffic to the secure “https” protocol:

This URL:

Becomes this URL:

This redirect can be added to the .htaccess file, or you can use a plugin to achieve the same effect.

Disable Plugins

It’s also possible that a plugin is causing the redirect loop. Plugins like Easy HTTPS Redirection and Redirection create redirects for you. However, possible edits made in the .htaccess file can cause conflicts. In this case, you can easily rename or delete plugins from the back end of your site.

  1. Log into cPanel
  2. Select File Manager under Files
  3. Go to the document root of your WordPress site
  4. Open the wp-content directory
  5. Rename the plugins directory or open it to find and delete a problematic plugin (if you know which plugin was causing the problem)

Now, you should notice that the redirect error has stopped showing. This means one of your plugins was causing the error. Go through all of the plugins you’re currently using and make sure they are all needed and working properly. It’s always wise to do this kind of “plugin review” on a regular basis.

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