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How to Change the Email Sender Name in WordPress

How to Change the Email Sender Name in WordPress

The reserved WordPress adresser’s name is ‘WordPress’ that forwards e-mails against a defunct e-mail direction ( as an email addressor.

A lot of spam strainers blockade your WordPress e-mails supposuing that it will be spam. Occassionaly it does not actually return it to the folder for recieving spam.

let’s look how we can vary the reserved addresser name and e-mail address in outgoing WordPress e-mail announcements.

Method 1: Changing Default Sender Name and Email using a Plugin

First thing you need to do is install and activate the CB Change Mail Sender PLugin.Upon activation, you will notice a new menu item labeled CB Mail Sender in your WordPress admin bar. Clicking on it will take you to plugin’s settings page.You will need to enter the name and email address you want to be used for outgoing WordPress emails.

Method 2: Manually changing addresser name and e-mail address.

You will need to add the following code in your theme’s functions.php file or a site-specific plugin.

// Function to change email address
function wpb_sender_email( $original_email_address ) {
    return '';
// Function to change sender name
function wpb_sender_name( $original_email_from ) {
    return 'Tim Smith';
// Hooking up our functions to WordPress filters
add_filter( 'wp_mail_from', 'wpb_sender_email' );
add_filter( 'wp_mail_from_name', 'wpb_sender_name' );
This code simply replaces the default WordPress sender name and email address with your custom sender name and email address.
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